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5/11/14 - Our 2014 Fund Drive Letters will be arriving in the mail shortly 

please keep an eye out for them & thank you in advance for your generosity!



The Pine Township Volunteer Fire Company graciously accepts donations at any time of the year, but our annual fund drive letter is usually distributed around the end of March/beginning of April each year.  Your generous donations are always tax deductible & deeply appreciated.  If you would like to be added to the mailing list for the fund drive letters, you may submit your name & mailing address by clicking the "Contact Us" link on the "About Us" tab.  You may also contribute to the fire company by attending our weekly bingo, our monthly food sales, our semi-annual gun bash or by purchasing other raffle tickets sold throughout the year.  All of our fund raisers are necessary in order to keep our doors open & continue to provide quality protection to the residents of our area.  Donations are used for everything from covering day to day operating costs like electric, phone & water bills as well as the purchase of firefighting gear & equipment.  If you are unable to donate financially, we also welcome contributions of time or talant.  Everyone has a skill that can be put to great use!  Contact the station at 814-948-4438 to see how you can help!

Call Us:


Find Us:

6485 Route 403 Highway North

P.O. Box 34

Heilwood, PA  15745


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